Monday, May 27, 2013

Day 4: Casper

Well, now that we officially have wireless internet, a nice place to sleep and outlets, it is time to tell tales of our adventures! Here are some photos of our time so far:
Claire with our covered wagon guide.
Claire did not get rich in the gold rush...

I did! But then I was robbed....
A pioneer gravesite outside Wamego, Nebraska
A stop at the Oz Winery in Wamego
Alcove Spring, a common campground for pioneers. Carvings of their initials can be seen on rocks around the spring!
Claire is prepared to take photos at a moments notice!
We watched cannons being fired off at Fort Kearney!
Thats not a riverbed in the picture, that trench in the middle was actually carved by so many wagons passing through

You can still see the tracks like the wagon just went through yesterday!
Claire attempting to get compfy on the ground while the June Bugs smacked our tent walls

I gave up....
Our campsite did have a cool view to wake up to

A close up shot! (before we had coffee...)
Scottsbluff a few miles down the road. I got us a free annual national parks pass with my military ID! So far on this trip I have saved 83 dollars with my military ID! Thank you Anthony! :)
Mitchell pass going next to scottsbluff

The view from the top of Scottsbluff!
Bridge over the North Platte river

Fort Laramie! We ran through this but I could easily have spent a whole day here!

Coolest part of the trip so far are the wagon ruts. These were carved into the rockface by thousands of wagons going over them over the years. They came up to my knees when I was standing in them! SO COOL!

You cant tell but these ruts are just as deep.

Finally, our last historic stop of the day was at register cliff. Here hundreds of names are carved into the rockface of a bluff along with the dates of when they passed through. Some were carved beautifully in cursive! Who has the time or skill to put that on a rock!?!? Very impressive!

Well, unfortunately I am pooped for the night so I am going to call it a night! Tomorrow we head to Independence rock and our final resting spot tomorrow night will hopefully be in Park City, Utah! 7 states down, many more to go! Nighty Night all! And check out Claire's blog too! She has posted lots of pictures!

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