Thursday, January 24, 2013

2 Days till departure

Oh boy here we go! Only two days left in Minnesota!

I had a very productive past few days getting ready to head out! After packing up a ridiculous amount of clothes, I brought two large boxes to the UPS Store and realized that shipping clothes would be about as much as buying a new wardrobe! I am definitely done shipping things out to California.

Today, to finish my teaching license application, I went to get fingerprinted. That was an interesting experience and I was slightly disappointed to find out that they no longer use ink to get the fingerprints and the Wayzata Police Station looks noting like CSI or Law and Order. It was pretty exciting though and the officer said it was a lot easier to fingerprint someone who was not drunk and disorderly! Well, the application is officially mailed and I will hopefully be licensed soon!

I got to hang out with my sister and my little niece today and I will miss them both terribly! I never knew that watching a newborn would be like watching a slightly smaller and less mobile drunk! It's a lot cuter when an infant spits up too! She also smells super good! Except when she goes goat eyes and needs to be given to mommy for a change. I may love her lots but I have yet to change a diaper in my life and I don't plan on starting soon!

I finished out the night with a wonderful dinner with my cousin at Pizzeria Lola (scene on Diners, Drive-ins and Dives!). We had the Sweet Italian, the Korean BBQ and the Boise. After inhaling 4 pieces in about 5 minutes, I discovered my favorite was the Korean BBQ! Soooooo delicious! I also tried the extra spicy ginger ale. At first, I was pretty disappointed because it tasted like regular ginger ale. Then about 3 seconds later my throat started to get really warm! Holy crap it was like drinking ginger ale with a cayenne pepper chaser! Worth trying, but not something I would like to re-live. I capped the night with a trip to Dairy Queen to discover that they have the Candy Shoppe Blizzard back! BEST DAY EVER!!!! If you have not tired it yet, do it now! Instant diabetes but totally worth it!
Well now I'm just trying to stay sane while saying goodbye a million times! Here I come jug of wine!


  1. Love this Hannah Joe! I feel like you are taking us with on your adventure.
    And remember, speaking from experience, you will always be a Minnesootan. Even though you live away you will always be able to 'come home' and its so wonderful. So its not good by but 'I'm off again and will be back.
    Love you Hannah,
    Aunt Mary

    1. I love it! Always a Minnesota girl at heart! I'm glad you like the blog!

  2. Spicy Ginger Ale ... yup, not one I need to try again! But the Korean BBQ pizza, I'll probably be back for!! :D
